Family First

I have been listening to, and am nearly finished with, the audiobook First Things First: The Rules of Being a Warner, written by Kurt and Brenda Warner. I am not a religious person, but you don’t have to be a religious person to see the values instilled by any religion. The values that they place on love, family, and behavior, can be translated to any type of relationship.

I admire their devotion to each other and their children and the adamant nature in which they protect and defend their personal beliefs without force-feeding them upon others. They live their life by a higher standard, hold themselves to those standards, and set an example that is worthy of notice and emulation.

If you find yourself in a tough place, whether with friends, family, children, relationships at work, etc., this is a great book for you. We teach people how to treat us, whether we know we are doing it or not, and this book provides some great lessons and examples for how to set boundaries, have difficult conversations, and create better and more loving environments.

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